AGD Bank cares to grow.

News & Events

August 26, 2021
AGD Bank has always believed that our employees’ well-being is one of the key aspects to grow and build a better community.…
August 24, 2021
Dear valued customer, Long-term or short-term fixed income investment accounts, Maxima deposits & Maxi-Cash, special offers are…
August 23, 2021
At AGD Bank, we value all our employees as key assets to our organization, and we are wholeheartedly committed to supporting the…
August 2, 2021
Dear Valued Customers, AGD Bank has increased the interest rate of Savings Account (Saving Book) to 5.75% p.a. This new…
July 6, 2021
Myanmar’s Best Digital Bank, Asia Green Development Bank (AGD Bank), headquartered in Yangon, has launched an initiative to…
July 1, 2021
Dear valued customers, AGD Bank's Maxima Deposits now offer an option to withdraw your monthly interests. This option is called…
June 20, 2023
At AGD Bank, our commitment to corporate social responsibility is unwavering, and our "grow" CSR initiatives embody this…
June 9, 2023
Facilitating effortless and seamless cash withdrawals, we are delighted to announce the implementation of an enhanced cash…
July 14, 2023
Join AGD Bank’s Viber Community Channel and get a chance to win a high-tea set at Inya Lake Hotel Terms and Conditions * The…
May 5, 2023
5% off for AGD MPU Card Holders. (until 4th November 2023) Address - No.209, Parami Road, 4 Ward, South Okkalapa, Yangon.…