AGD Bank cares to grow.

winner list latest
085844 3250218000002010 Grand Prize 2000000
012493 3080018000113014 Grand Prize 2000000
033910 3380018000013016 2nd Prize 500000
011683 3570018000038010 2nd Prize 500000
034328 3280018000062015 2nd Prize 500000
000906 3180018000003017 3rd Prize 300000
095246 3080018000107013 3rd Prize 300000
149156 3200018000002011 3rd Prize 300000
035285 3150018000044011 3rd Prize 300000
000667 3040318000008016 3rd Prize 300000
024534 3040318000013012 3rd Prize 300000
060156 3380118000023012 3rd Prize 300000
120825 3080018000101019 3rd Prize 300000
028845 3510018000010014 3rd Prize 300000
001184 3550018000011019 3rd Prize 300000
095254 3060018000027012 4th Prize 100000
159028 3530118000013016 4th Prize 100000
000077 3030018000004012 4th Prize 100000
029216 3220018000033013 4th Prize 100000
057222 3350118000002012 4th Prize 100000
070059 3290018000013014 4th Prize 100000
005571 3250218000015014 4th Prize 100000
000176 3010018000028014 4th Prize 100000
019237 3570018000017015 4th Prize 100000
060211 3380118000020011 4th Prize 100000
129882 3050018000011014 4th Prize 100000
045458 3380118000010012 4th Prize 100000
008738 3280018000031011 4th Prize 100000
038066 3380018000003015 4th Prize 100000
002031 3080018000068019 4th Prize 100000

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Local Remittance

We offer the local remittance services to all of our valued customers, with the best options. You can transfer money by using AGD Branches or truemoney, who are our international partner.

Using AGD Branches

Our customers can transfer money to all of our AGD Branches throughout the country. You can also send money to the other banks listed below:

  1. KBZ Bank
  2. CB Bank
  3. AYA Bank
  4. MAB Bank
  5. MCB Bank
  6. UAB Bank
  7. Shwe Bank
  8. Tun Commercial
  9. NSB Bank
  10. YOMA Bank
  11. MOB Bank
  12. MWD Bank
  13. SMIDB Bank
  14. CHID Bank
  15. MTB Bank
  16. A Bank
  17. G Bank
  18. FPB Bank
  19. MEB Bank
  20. MDB Bank
  21. GTB Bank
  22. INWA Bank
  23. MAD Bank
  24. YCBB Bank
  25. MICB Bank
  26. YDNB Bank


Remittance Charges to AGD Bank’s branches
  • The charges are defined as 0.05% of remitted amount plus 500 Kyats for using online or fax
  • The minimum remittance charges shall be 100 kyats
Remittance Charges to Non-AGD banks
  • The charges are 0.05% (or) 0.10% (or) 0.15% of the remitted amount based on the other banks defined charges
  • Plus 500 Kyats for using online or fax
  • The minimum remittance charges shall be defined by the other banks